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4 Water-Saving Tips for Summer Irrigation

As the days get longer and the temperature starts to rise, we know the impending arrival of summer is just around the corner. It is inevitable that outdoor water consumption will peak during the summer months. While higher utility bills can be expected, they shouldn’t—and don’t have to—burn a hole in your wallet. Read along as we discuss residential irrigation water-saving tips for summer. Assess Your Lawn Before You Water Take a moment to check over your lawn and determine what truly needs to be watered and rehydrated. Testing your lawn by simply stepping on the grass can reveal its hydration needs. If the blades bounce back, your lawn is likely hydrated, but if it stays flat, it’s time to water. Time Your Watering Wisely When it comes to watering your lawn, timing is key and a huge part of Delano Municipal Utilities’s (DMU) new water restriction policy. DMU has adopted new guidelines and requirements regarding lawn watering in the city of Delano at the recommendation of the Minnesota DNR. These guidelines stipulate specific watering times and frequencies based on odd or even addresses, with watering permitted only before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m.* Luckily for you, watering your lawn in the early morning hours helps to minimize water loss due to […]

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