We may be experiencing a warmer winter here in Minnesota, but that doesn’t impact the 2023/2024 Cold Weather Rule (CWR). As a reminder, the CWR protects both renters and homeowners from having their electric or gas shut off from October 1 through April 30. However, you must apply for the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) for shutoff prevention. Read on to learn more about how Delano residents can utilize the CWR this winter.
The first step in utilizing the CWR is to contact DMU and request a payment plan. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork and work with you on a plan, and then help guide you through the rest of the process:
If you are unable to make a payment, you must contact us ASAP to avoid disconnection. Under the CWR, DMU must provide a shutoff notice before service can be cut, and we are here to work with you and prevent such a scenario.
No—delivered fuels such as fuel oil, propane, and wood are not covered by the CWR. However, propane dealers must offer a budget billing plan. If your furnace runs on electricity, contact DMU to apply for CWR protection.
Yes, renters are eligible for CWR protection if the service is in their name. If it’s under the landlord’s name, DMU must post a notice in the building to notify tenants, who can request to become the bill payer if the landlord hasn’t paid the bill.
Call DMU at (763)-972-0557 to discuss a payment plan. Once we get that in place, your heat will be turned back on and remain protected from shutoff until April 30 as long as the plan is followed.
A warmer winter may be predicted this year, but we know all too well how quickly that can change in Minnesota. As can life’s circumstances. If you have concerns about paying your utility bill this winter, Delano Municipal Utilities (DMU) is here to help.
Contact us today for assistance with 2023/2024 Cold Weather Rule, applying for the EAP, or any other questions.