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2023 MMUA Tom Bovitz Memorial Scholarship: How to Apply & More

Attention all graduating seniors! Delano Municipal Utilities (DMU) is now accepting applications for the 2023 MMUA Tom Bovitz Memorial Scholarship. Continue reading to learn more about how to apply, deadlines and important dates, and the amounts awarded to recipients. Scholarship Award Amounts The Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA) started the Tom Bovitz Memorial Scholarship in 1994. Each year, local utilities, like DMU, select one winner to submit to MMUA for consideration. Then, the MMUA Communications/Member Services Committee reviews these statewide submissions and selects the four scholarship recipients. This year, a total of $5,000 will be awarded, split amongst four winners: How to Apply: Scholarship Application Essay Requirements As mentioned above, DMU will select one local winner to submit for the scholarship program. Applicants must write a 500–750-word essay, typed and double-spaced, responding to one or more of the following: To apply, email a copy of your essay to [email protected] with the subject line “2023 MMUA Tom Bovitz Memorial Scholarship Application” BY THURSDAY, MARCH 23. The Delano Water, Light, and Power Commision will review all essays and select one local winner. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered for submission to MMUA. Please contact DMU with any questions. Important Dates/Information 2020 Recipient: Delano Resident Ella Madson In 2020, one of the winners […]

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